Rising Up is recognized as deeptech by the European Commission

Soft skills scan



Educational directors, program managers, teachers and certifiers use the Soft Skills Scan to identify and optimize their students' soft skills.

Soft skills scan
Ultra-personalized onboarding
Personalized student or colleague space
Series of micro test protocols
Soft skills score
Real-time tracking of groups
Soft skills mapping by sector
Soft skills mapping by degree
Learning ratio by sector and degree
Non-mandatory presence of a certified practitioner

Best in engagement and completion

Say goodbye to repetitive YES/NO questions and discover interactive tests available 24/7, with ultra-personalized onboarding to guarantee an exceptional rate of engagement.NB: 96% completion rate among over 2800 users.


A precise soft skills score

No more personality profiling on 4 dimensions, finally move on to an effective measurement of the 25 soft skills of your participants. Get the exact % of your soft skills after your tests.


Personalized soft skills mapping

Discover mapping by sector, by year, by degree, by department. Discover a new way to track your students' skills.


A group learning report

Taking a test is great, but what about the benefits? Our tests are designed to increase your knowledge of your soft skills and give you the keys to reading and progressing your skills.

What Rising Up won't do...

Profile your participants on 4 dimensions.

Give your students or colleagues scores without precise explanations.

Ask a list of boring, static questions.

Give results without concrete suggestions for progress.

Judge your students or collaborators or make them feel bad and unsuitable.

Spam your mailboxes with unwanted notifications.

in numbers

Get the results with Rising Up

of users love THE L.A.B.
are reporting a significant positive impact
of users find THE L.A.B very innovative
schools should adopt THE L.A.B.

"We were able to develop and discover soft skills. And above all I was able to identify them and put them into practice. It was a really fun experience."

Logo EM Lyon Business School
Léa Moutier

"We each got a personalized response, personalized feedback. So we focused well on ourselves and our desire to evolve."

Oumaima El Mansouri
Agro Paris Tech
Logo Agro Paris Tech

"The difference between our usual courses and this training is really the content: being able to identify soft skills, understand them and work on them."

Lina Ksikes
EIML Paris
Logo EIML Paris

"It really helped me prepare better for my interviews, especially in my presentation and highlighting my soft skills."

Pauline Lacombe
Logo EM Lyon Business School

"J’ai vraiment appris beaucoup de choses sur mes soft skills la manière de les mettre en avant."

Chloé Steenhaut
London college of Fashion
Logo UAL

"C’était vraiment top d’avoir un temps pour soi et mieux comprendre ses forces et faiblesses. J’ai appris que j’avais plus de soft skills que je pensais et que je n’étais pas si mauvaise sur certains."

Safouane Yasmine

"J’ai bien aimé comprendre mes soft skills et avoir des outils concrets pour les développer et les mettre en valeur sur mon CV."

Mignonneaud Diane

"Cela m’a permis de comprendre ce qu’étaient les soft skills et quels étaient les miens. Je pense lors de mon dernier entretien les avoir mis en avoir forcément conscience, maintenant je serais sans doute mieux les employer."

Océane Keiser
Université Savoie Mont blanc
Logo Université Savoie Mont Blanc

“On a pu développer et découvrir des soft skills. Et j’ai surtout pu les identifier et les mettre en pratique. C’était une expérience très sympa.”

Logo EM Lyon Business School
Léa Moutier

“On a chacun une réponse personnalisée, un feedback personnalisée. Donc on se concentre bien sur nous et notre envie d’évoluer.”

Oumaima El Mansouri
Agro Paris Tech
Logo Agro Paris Tech

“La différence entre nos cours habituel et cette formation c’est vraiment le contenu : pouvoir identifier les soft skills, les comprendre et travailler dessus.”

Lina Ksikes
EIML Paris
Logo EIML Paris

”Cela m’a vraiment aider à mieux préparer mes entretiens, surtout dans ma présentation et la mise en valeur de mes soft skills."

Pauline Lacombe
Logo EM Lyon Business School

"J’ai vraiment appris beaucoup de choses sur mes soft skills la manière de les mettre en avant."

Chloé Steenhaut
London college of Fashion
Logo UAL