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Rising Up is recognized as deeptech by the European Commission
Nawal Abboub
Nawal est experte en neurosciences.

Cognitive science: for whom? for what?

August 19, 2017
3 minutes

The sciences of cognition or also called cognitive science — who study the functioning of our spirit — combine a very vast field of research. They study the human brain at all levels, from the most microscopic aspect to the scale of neuron, up to the most macroscopic aspect at social behavior.

Our brain is one of the most intricate in the world! Moreover, there are many legends floating around the functioning of this so “mysterious” object. Given its particularly complicated access, it has long been considered a black box. However, the scientific progress of recent years and the creation of synergies between numerous fields such as computer science, neuroscience, mathematics, mathematics, mathematics, physics, physics, sociology, biology or linguistics have radically changed this point of view.

With the rise of neuroimaging and elegant protocols in experimental psychology, we can explore and Questioning scientifically the mechanisms that underlie our cognitive abilities and our behaviors. how Let's reason ? how Do we learn languages ? how Do we make decisions ? how Do we remember information ?

We have never progressed as much in this field of research as in the last twenty years, the results have soared and knowledge accumulate ! A great deal of knowledge resulting from rigorous scientific protocols now gives us more and more precise keys to reading human functioning.

All these questions are found in many sectors of the life of public or private organizations (public policy, learning, management, R&D, continuing education, AI, etc.). But how can we effectively operationalize cognitive science knowledge to help us on a daily basis? And above all, with what rigor? And for what purpose?

My articles or comments will tend to give ideas on these different themes!

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