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Rising Up is recognized as deeptech by the European Commission
Sophio Sharadze


June 17, 2024
3 min

Digital technology is a tool for learning

Yes, we can learn from screens.

Yet there are a number of conditions to guarantee its effectiveness.

Our Scientific Director appeared on TF1's 8 o'clock news and explained:

A glance at the rise of online training

Since covid, the e-learning trend has been amplified to reach new heights in 2021, with $20 billion invested in a sector that is now estimated to be worth $500 billion by 2025. Education technologies are becoming more powerful and, above all, more widely accepted in the corporate world.

What are the barriers to online training?

The brain doesn't learn in the same way online as it does face-to-face. It's much more expensive for it to learn online than in a classroom with colleagues, for example.

Based on what we know about the learning brain, we can build effective systems.

What levers should be used to guarantee efficiency?

based on what we know about the brain, the most effective devices are those that:

  • stimulate curiosity about training objectives
  • use open-ended and choice-based questions rather than closed-ended ones
  • vary modalities (text, video, audio)
  • provide personalized feedback based on your answers.
  • have several stages spread over time.

What should you look out for when training online?

  • On UX: if there's too much distraction, it's going to grab your attention in one place, and we're going to divide attention. If you divide attention, you divide performance.
  • If you're promised to master a skill in 3 minutes and in one go. Because learning takes time and practice.
  • If you're only offered to watch passive videos. Learning is experiential. If you watch Top Chef all season long, it won't make you the best cook.
  • If all you need to do to learn a language is to know vocabulary, you're not going to learn it. Mastering a skill like learning a foreign language isn't just about vocabulary or mastering grammar. It's also about communication codes. So take a close look at what you want to master and whether the tools on offer meet these criteria.

Our brains can learn from screens, but depending on the activities you do, your performance can be very high or non-existent.

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