“Soft-skills come directly from Rules that govern the functioning of the brain: emotional, analytical, social or even linguistic capacity”
Today, soft-skills, so-called “non-technical” skills, are becoming central. They are becoming the gold mine for businesses.
However, they are the most poorly defined in business skills frameworks. They are transversal for some, behavioral for others, and even linked to personality traits.
A myriad of words, more or less reliable, seem to correspond to these skills.
However, this lack of knowledge is costly for companies: high turnover, absenteeism, burn-out or even unsuccessful recruitment.
However, in recent years, cognitive neuroscience offers us a new vision.
How did the experts at Rising Up take up this challenge?
The explanation in images by our scientific director during the Learning Technology exhibition:
This new knowledge resulting from research is shaking up a number of preconceived ideas. For example, they are neither innate talents or personality traits, as if nothing was unchangeable.
At the time of The upskilling Or of Reskilling, these results give us hope by offering us concrete ways to support The real talents of our businesses.
For more personalized advice with a real impact on your team, we have created programs for the development of your talents. More than 3000 people have already taken advantage of it, make an appointment with Hicham, just hither
Combler le manque de connaissance en soft skills de vos étudiants 2 fois plus rapidement.